Features and technologies of Web Applications.
Vertikal has achieved an extensive experience working with different technologies that allow us to transform and solve different digital needs in a fast and optimized way. Allow our programming and development experts give you the best Guide to accomplish the project you want to carry out.

An open source framework for developing web applications and services with PHP 5 and PHP7. Its philosophy is to develop a PHP code in an elegant and simple way, avoiding “Spaghetti code”

A graphic design language used to define and create the different presentations of structured websites and more.

A web application framework developed in TypeScript, open source mantained by Google. It is used to create and maintain single page web applications that are the basis for progressive web applications.

A powerful JAvascript library that facilitates the creating of interactive, reusable components for the user interface.

Powerful and versatile Javascript framework for easy user interface work.

A databe management system, considered to be the most popular open source database in the world. One of the mostpopular in general, along with Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, especially for web development environments.

A database system NoSQL oriented on open source documents. Instead of saving data in tables, as it is done in relational databases, MongoDB saves data in JSON-type documents, enhancing query executiontime and optimizing disk space.

An in-memory database engine, based on storage in hash tables that optionally can be used as a durable persistent database. It allows the indexing of data in the cloud so that they can be consulted quickly.

Node Js
Based on Google’s V8 engine, Node.js is a Javascript-based execution environment for the server layer that allows us to execute asynchronous tasks, giving great potential to our applications.

Amazon web Service
The most widely adopted and comprehensive cloud platform in the world, offering more than 175 comprehensive data center services globally. Millions of customers,including the fastes-growing startups, lasgest companies, and leading government agencies, useAWS tolower costs, increase agility, and innovate faster.

A framework for web applications, mainly used to interact directly with Node.js. It is considered to be the standard server framework by de facto for Node.js.

Designed to help developers get applications from a concept to reality as quickly as possible. Takes security seriously, and helps developers avoid many common security mistakes. Some of the most active sites on the web take advantage of Django’s ability to scale quickly and flexibly.

Web Application development
Development of Dynamic Web Applications made and personalized to fit your needs
A Dynamic web application is much more complex to create and develop at a technical level than a static web app. It uses databases to load information so that the contents of the Web Application are loaded and updated each time the user accesses it.
Advantages of visual effects, animations and User behavior.
Any data generated, action, interactivity and information collected remains in your database in a more understandable way when you want to use it for your marketing needs. Knowing how to read the statistics based on your consumers or users, guarantees success in sale pojections and objectives.

Advantages of visual effects, animations and User behavior.
Any data generated, action, interactivity and information collected remains in your database in a more understandable way when you want to use it for your marketing needs. Knowing how to read the statistics based on your consumers or users, guarantees success in sale pojections and objectives.

Characteristics and the Development of a Web App online store.
Its development is similar to the development of a website oriented to e-commerce. The reason for this is because it carries all transactions and makes it possible to do them from any mobile device. The development of an online Web Application store must have a gateway for electronic payments through credit card, paypal, or any other payment method, in addition to creating its database.
Features worth mentioning
Personalized Design
Following all the guidelines and requirements
Web maintenance where we work all the different algorithms and updates.
Web Performance
Websites adaptable to any device
A better positioning in search engines.
Protection and security
Take cero risks with encrypted and user-friendly websites.
Created and worked with more than 500 websited leaving satisfied customers